Australian investors taking power market into their own hands Baker saves piles of dough thanks to community Farmers tell politicians to cut pollution and protect their future Australian business must come clean to investors on climate risks, taskforce warns Aussie firefighters warned: more mega-fires on the way Network failure, not wind power responsible for SA blackout Qld’s Renewable Energy Roadmap exposes lack of national policy for clean energy Queensland to become new frontier for wind energy Australia’s health leaders tackle climate change at Parliament Australians left critically vulnerable to climate change: health experts warn Hazelwood closure a healthy move Federal Govt flip-flopping must end Power users to pay price for slow-moving energy bosses NSW wind planning guidelines will choke regional economic growth Up to $5bn in private funding at risk due to ARENA cuts Opportunity lost: cut to ARENA limits communities Govt attack on renewable energy innovation is madness Smart grid future: the business case for urgent energy upgrades Time for Health Minister to address climate change as major threat to health Cabinet reshuffle promises clean energy reset Heatwave deaths linked to human-induced climate change Major political parties fail to protect Australians from climate change health impacts Sevenfold investment boost needed now to achieve RET ACT secures first mover advantage in global renewables boom ALP promises to boost community-led clean energy projects NSW full of wind farm fans Australian religious leaders in call for ambitious climate action Mine fire response drives home importance of phasing out coal US leadership on climate and health highlights Australia’s failure Federal Government renewables shift not a game changer More time and money wasted on wind farm investigations Firefighter fatigue concern amid lengthening bushfire seasons Job cuts at CSIRO will put the health of Australians at risk Is the Wind Farm Commissioner on mission creep? Australian farmers to benefit from renewables boost Talks signal wind of change Clean energy innovators ready to scale up operations More proof that coal mining is bad for the community Farmers Accept Clean Energy Gift Rejected by Former Prime Minister Time for Turnbull to end Abbott’s war on wind Government only cares about jobs if they’re in coal Firefighters, farmers and nurses speak up on climate change Abbott declares Australia an investment-free zone Abbott flogging a dead horse in coal