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Farmers have expressed frustration and anger that the Coalition Government has turned its back on a clean energy future that would protect agriculture from the worsening impacts of climate change.
“The Government is walking away from a clear and coherent pathway to a clean energy future and abandoning any pretence of supporting Australian farmers,” Farmers for Climate Action CEO Verity Morgan-Schmidt said.
“Farmers across Australia are hurting: squeezed between the twin challenge of climate change and energy price rises. They now know that the National Party and rural Liberals are not standing up to protect their long-term interests.
“It is utterly incomprehensible that any sane Government would move away from renewable energy technology and act to deter investment in an industry that could revitalise rural communities, and bring down electricity prices.”
“We’re calling on the government to demonstrate how this approach will adequately address emissions and provide long-term certainty for the renewable energy sector:
Ms Morgan-Schmidt said the government’s policy would result in further uncertainty, rising power prices and rising pollution.
New South Wales sheep farmer Peter Holding, of Harden, said enough was enough.
“This demonstrates a catastrophic failure in political leadership and an utter failure to act on the issues that matter most to Australian farmers. The Turnbull Government is locking Australia in to a future of rising emissions, rising prices and dependence on 19th century technology.”
More than 2000 Australian farmers recently signed an open letter calling upon rural and regional MPs to support the transition to renewable energy.
“Walking away from the Clean Energy Target shows that our farmers are being ignored. Now is the time for our rural and regional MPs to stand up for regional Australia,” Mr Harden said.
For further information or media inquiries: Dinah Arndt on 0425 791 394 or or Verity Morgan-Schmidt on 0429 042 308.
Farmers for Climate Action is an independent, non-profit, non-partisan organisation of 2000 farmers and leaders in agriculture committed to tackling climate change.